Lyrics from "Sanctuary"

I have included the nine then new songs on the album. The tracks I have omitted here are:
All words and music by Twila Paris, © 1991
Let Them Praise

Lord, Your name is above any other name
And forever will remain
So let the words of my mouth
And the thoughts in my heart
Let them praise your name

Lord, Your throne is above any other throne
And forever will remain
So let the young and the old
Let the high and the low
Let them praise, let them praise
Let them praise your name

Lord, Your love is above any other love
And forever will remain
So let us go with Your Word
To the ends of the earth
And let them praise, let them praise
Let them praise Your name

The Joy of the Lord

The joy of the Lord will be my strength
I will not falter, I will not faint
He is my Shepherd, I am not afraid
The joy of the Lord is my strength

The joy of the Lord,
The joy of the Lord,
The joy of the Lord is my strength
The joy of the Lord will be my strength
He will uphold me all of my days
I am surrounded by mercy and grace
And the joy of the Lord is my strength 

The joy of the Lord,
The joy of the Lord,
The joy of the Lord is my strength
The joy of the Lord will be my strength
I will not waiver, walking by faith
He will be strong to deliver me safe
The joy of the Lord is my strength 

The joy of the Lord,
The joy of the Lord,
The joy of the Lord is my strength

I am Ready

I am ready to be
All You've given me to be
Lord I offer You my pride
Lay it down
Where I have been bound
Father come and set me free
I am ready now to be finally - me

I am ready to be
All You've given me to be
Lord I offer You my life
Lay it down
Where I have been bound
Father come and set me free
I am ready now to be finally, faithfully, willingly - me

We Shall Assemble

We shall assemble on the mountain
We shall assemble at the throne
With humble hearts into His presence,
We bring an offering of song

Glory and honor and amen
Unto the Lamb unto the King
O alleluia alleluia
We sing the song of the Redeemed

In This Sanctuary

In this sanctuary
We have all beheld
Only You are holy
There is no one less
No one who is worthy
Worthy to sit upon the throne
In this sanctuary
We worship You alone


Hosanna, He is honored
Holy, holy, He is worthy
Hosanna, hallelujah
Holy, holy, King of kings

As the stars shine in the heavens
We declare the earth shall sing

Hosanna, He is honored
Holy, holy, He is worthy
Hosanna, hallelujah
Holy, holy, King of kings

Come Worship the Lord

Come, worship the Lord God Almighty
For His loving kindness is everlasting
Come, worship the Lord God Almighty
For His loving kindness is everlasting

His mercy endureth forever
His mercy endureth forever
His mercy endureth forever and ever and ever

Come, worship the Lord 
Come, worship the Lord 
Come, worship the Lord 

Every Knee Shall Bow

As the sun rises in the east
So He shall split the eastern sky
Sword in hand upon the mountain
Fire of Heaven in His eye

And every knee shall bow
Every knee shall bow
We kneel before Him now
And every knee shall bow

Come the dawn of the Prince of Peace
Like the morning after rain
There shall be no more hatred
Neither sorrow
neither pain

And every knee shall bow
Every knee shall bow
We kneel before You now
And every knee shall bow

Keeper of the Door

I dreamed I saw my name in lights
And spoke Your Word for all to hear
I dreamed my name was recognized
By people far and people near

But I have come to understand
Like David long ago
That humble service in Your house
Is still the greatest dream a heart can hold

Oh, let me be a servant
A Keeper of the door
My heart is only longing
To see forever more
The glory of Your presence
The dwelling of the Lord
Oh, let me be a servant
A Keeper of the door

The one who was no less than God
Took on the flesh of lowly men
And came to wash the feet of clay
Because it was Your holy plan

And I, no greater than my King
Would ever seek a place
Of humble service in Your house
To gaze into the light that is Your face

Oh, let me be a servant
A Keeper of the door
My heart is only longing
To see forever more
The glory of Your presence
The dwelling of the Lord
Oh, let me be a servant
A Keeper of the door
© Copyright 1991 Ariose Music/ASCAP (a division of Star Song Communications) and Mountain Spring Music/ASCAP.