Sharon's Muffin Calculator

I was once interviewed by Sharon Harvey Rosenberg who admitted her spending weakness to me -- gourmet muffins. At $2.75 each three times a week, I realized she was eating nearly the equivalent of a brand new Dell desktop (including a flat screen monitor!) every year in her purchase of muffins. I know I would much rather have the desktop, but hey, I'm not that big on muffins...

Have fun, and eat plenty of fiber!

Gourmet Muffin price: $
Muffins eaten per week
Years to Calculate
Investment Yield: %

Yield must be between 0.5 and 50 % with default of 5.0%

Year Starting
Earnings Total Annual
Muffin Costs
1$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 429.00$ 429.00
2$ 429.00$ 21.45$ 429.00$ 879.45
3$ 879.45$ 43.97$ 429.00$ 1,352.42
4$ 1,352.42$ 67.62$ 429.00$ 1,849.04
5$ 1,849.04$ 92.45$ 429.00$ 2,370.50
6$ 2,370.50$ 118.52$ 429.00$ 2,918.02
7$ 2,918.02$ 145.90$ 429.00$ 3,492.92
8$ 3,492.92$ 174.65$ 429.00$ 4,096.57
9$ 4,096.57$ 204.83$ 429.00$ 4,730.40
10$ 4,730.40$ 236.52$ 429.00$ 5,395.92

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