This is my PHP Generic Loan Calculator that writes the full loan amortization schedule of any amortized loan like a home mortgage or a car loan to a PDF file for easy saving and printing. A typical 30 year (360 month) loan will fit on 5 formatted laser printer pages. The full schedule will include the interest and principal breakdowns for each pay period and will show the running loan balance throughout the payment schedule. Often printing HTML web pages is not as pretty as using a formatted PDF for saving and printing. Most browsers like Chrome or Firefox (or even Microsoft Edge) can natively view PDF files now, but for a standalone PDF viewer, I recommend using FoxIt Reader as your PDF viewer instead of the bloated Acrobat Reader from Adobe. Another more powerful PDF viewer/editor is PDF-XChange Editor which you can download safely from For more complicated loan borrowing scenarios you should use an online spreadsheet, which also allows you to save or print out your loan amortization as a PDF. Hugh Chou - Back to Calculators |