Booze/Beverage Savings Calculator

Here is a new and fun savings calculator -- the booze savings calculator. Personally, I never drink alcohol anyway, but if I did, I cannot imagine paying the prices even moderately priced restaurants and bars charge for beer, wine and mixed drinks ($3.75, $4.50 and up, often way up). Some people say they cannot enjoy an evening out without an alcoholic drink, and I find that an extremely sad commentary on society when people have to admit that. I even find the prices for soft drinks and iced tea rather amazing at restaurants ($1.75 to $2.95 for sugared water?) so I usually try to stick to drinking my favorite beverage -- refreshing ice water!!

Have fun!

Glass of refeshing and cool water: $ (Hopefully free, but not always!)
Price of your beverage: $
Beverages consumed per week (At least with soft drinks you often get free refills!)
Years to Calculate
Investment Yield: %

Yield must be between 2 and 50 % with default of 5.0%

YearStarting BalanceEarningsLunch Savings Ending Balance
1$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 728.00$ 728.00
2$ 728.00$ 36.40$ 728.00$ 1,492.40
3$ 1,492.40$ 74.62$ 728.00$ 2,295.02
4$ 2,295.02$ 114.75$ 728.00$ 3,137.77
5$ 3,137.77$ 156.89$ 728.00$ 4,022.66
6$ 4,022.66$ 201.13$ 728.00$ 4,951.79
7$ 4,951.79$ 247.59$ 728.00$ 5,927.38
8$ 5,927.38$ 296.37$ 728.00$ 6,951.75
9$ 6,951.75$ 347.59$ 728.00$ 8,027.34
10$ 8,027.34$ 401.37$ 728.00$ 9,156.71

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